
You are Awesome (Collage)

Hello everyone 🙂

Another little collage I made for a friend’s birthday a few weeks back.  She and I have bonded over shared ailments, social anxiety and lots of other issues that make us feel less than awesome.  We always support and reassure one another, even if it’s just by saying “Oh I know how you feel!”  We started telling each other we’re awesome, kind of as a joke, but it has become our thing to say now.

 I wanted to make a little reminder for my friend that she is an awesome lady, even if I’m not around to tell her that,  so I made this 4″ x 4″collaged box canvas for her desk at work.  The crowned stoat could be symbolic for “fearless” or something, but it’s actually just the first image I pulled out of my collage file.  We’ll pretend it was chosen for its symbolism though, because that sounds better and makes me look smarter.

Hope you are having a great day.  Always remember you ARE awesome 🙂




Tarting Up Your Drawers

Hello everyone and greetings from a wet and cold Perth.  It’s Summer and should be hot, fine, blue skies-a-plenty.  But no.  We are having a cold, wet spell which is totally bizarre for January in Western Australia.  And you know how I hate the cold.  So I am feeling a bit miserable.  Although, I have to say, my gardens (both at home and at work) will be loving it, as will the poor fire fighters who normally are battling big blazes this time of year.

Over the weekend I was determined not to waste time and faff about, so I did lots of gardening and cleaned the house (a bit – let’s not get crazy) and tarted up my drawers.  No, not THOSE drawers (no one sees them but me anyway, ha ha) but my wooden, storage drawers.  I have had these for approximately twenty years.  I was supposed to paint and decorate them immediately when I bought them.  Did that happen?  Apparently not, hence my makeover of them this weekend.  Hey, you can’t rush these things, right?


So, to start with I painted them with off-white house paint (I had a sample pot lying around, as you do).  I only did the sides and top, and the little edges that show at the front.  I could lie and tell you I sanded and prepped the wood beforehand, but I’d be fibbing.


While the paint was drying, I selected some pretty scrapbooking papers (that was the longest part of the process – choosing papers) and then drew around the individual drawers to get the shape of them, onto the back of the papers.  The bottom drawers was longer so I had to join two strips of paper for this.


Then, I simply glued the paper to the drawers and trimmed off any misaligned bits (ie where I had done some dodgy tracing).  Someone who is less slack than me would then have sanded back the white pint and possibly the edges of the paper to make everything nice and smooth and neat.  But, as this project was just for me, and I just wanted to get it finished, I skipped the extra steps.


The whole thing took me about an hour.  And twenty years, but hey, who’s counting?!  I’m really pleased with it and it definitely brightens up my craft room.  My rubber stamps have a nice, colourful and pretty home now.


I’m going to try and not procrastinate so much this year and just get little projects like this done and dusted.  This would actually make a nice gift for someone, and you can easily pick up these type of drawers at IKEA or even in an op-shop (thrift store) for just a few dollars.

Hope you are having a colourful, creative day – thank you for stopping by x