
Adventure Eagle Card

Hello everyone and welcome to my very sporadic and hardly-ever-updated-these-days blog. I have no excuses – just busy with life and whatnot. Lots of whatnot. Unwanted whatnot, to be honest, but I guess that is just what being an adult is all about. Sigh… So, apologies for the irregular posting. I will try to get back on track, but I am not making any promises!

I thought I would get back into things by posting this card I made recently for my boss. She had a birthday this week and was also heading overseas for a holiday in Europe (lucky thing!) so it was an birthday / bon voyage kind of card that was required. I had had a couple of weeks to make it but had completely forgotten about it, so I found myself getting it done at midnight the night before her birthday morning tea at work. Not very smart. But, I was very pleased with how it turned out, so maybe I should do all my crafting in bad light when I am half asleep 🙂

I had a book on “Birds from the Bible” that I had picked up at a second hand book sale, so I cut out a nice vintage eagle image from it and added some butterfly wings over the top of the original wings, just to give it a bit of added interest and colour. The crown I had bought only a few days prior – I hadn’t really known what I was going to use it for but it was perfect for this project and I think it looks pretty awesome .

Then I just needed to stamp “Adventure” on to the backing paper and, voila, all done! I was quite chuffed with it because it really didn’t take me long, in comparison to the usual RIDICULOUS amount of time it takes me to finish one card. I got everyone in our team to sign it and then it was ready for our boss. She really liked it 🙂

So, that is my first post after how many months? Like, seven or something? So bad! But one is better than none, right? Hopefully, I will lift my game from now on and post more regularly. Hope you are all well and happy in your little corner of the world. x


Lost and Found (Collage)

Hello everyone and Happy Hump Day!  Aren’t the weeks just flying by?  One minute I am whinging about it being Monday, and the next thing I know we’re heading towards the weekend again.  It’s a sure sign of getting older – the time slipping by at a rapid pace.

This collage was made using a wooden board from a puzzle.  I bought some little wooden puzzles from an op-shop a few weeks ago – they were brand new and still in their plastic wrapping.  The puzzle pieces were held in place by the recessed wooden board, and I thought it would make a great “framed” collage piece.

So, I painted the board with black gesso on all sides and tried in vain to remove the label on it that showed the image of the finished puzzle.  Gah!  Non-removable stickers and labels are the bane of my crafting existence.  This one WOULD NOT COME OFF.  I didn’t dare to use any kind of  label remover, for fear it would leave an oily residue.  So, what to do?  Desperate times call for desperate measures so, rummaging through my “bits and bobs” box, I found a child’s wooden block that was the perfect size to cover the label.  It was painted black and stenciled with the same brick design as the rest of the piece.  after completing the collage, I carefully glued the block to the front, over the label, and made sure it was level with the edge of the board, so the board would stand up on its own.

I think it worked out pretty well.  The block at the front almost looks like a bit of garden wall, or maybe the top of a chimney, and having the whole piece stand up for display is pretty neat too.  I wasn’t sure what words, if any, would suit the theme and so, stuck for ideas, I just used the words “Lost and Found”.  I added the little wonky sixpence to  tie in with the theme (well, vaguely…) and it was all done.

I will be making more of these pieces, as I bought several of the puzzle sets.  It’s great to upcycle things, and the puzzles themselves I have re-thrifted, so they weren’t wasted.

Hope you are all having a good week – thank you for stopping by 🙂
