
Adventure Eagle Card

Hello everyone and welcome to my very sporadic and hardly-ever-updated-these-days blog. I have no excuses – just busy with life and whatnot. Lots of whatnot. Unwanted whatnot, to be honest, but I guess that is just what being an adult is all about. Sigh… So, apologies for the irregular posting. I will try to get back on track, but I am not making any promises!

I thought I would get back into things by posting this card I made recently for my boss. She had a birthday this week and was also heading overseas for a holiday in Europe (lucky thing!) so it was an birthday / bon voyage kind of card that was required. I had had a couple of weeks to make it but had completely forgotten about it, so I found myself getting it done at midnight the night before her birthday morning tea at work. Not very smart. But, I was very pleased with how it turned out, so maybe I should do all my crafting in bad light when I am half asleep 🙂

I had a book on “Birds from the Bible” that I had picked up at a second hand book sale, so I cut out a nice vintage eagle image from it and added some butterfly wings over the top of the original wings, just to give it a bit of added interest and colour. The crown I had bought only a few days prior – I hadn’t really known what I was going to use it for but it was perfect for this project and I think it looks pretty awesome .

Then I just needed to stamp “Adventure” on to the backing paper and, voila, all done! I was quite chuffed with it because it really didn’t take me long, in comparison to the usual RIDICULOUS amount of time it takes me to finish one card. I got everyone in our team to sign it and then it was ready for our boss. She really liked it 🙂

So, that is my first post after how many months? Like, seven or something? So bad! But one is better than none, right? Hopefully, I will lift my game from now on and post more regularly. Hope you are all well and happy in your little corner of the world. x


Quietest and Most Constant (Collage)

Another day, another collage!  I actually made this one a few weeks ago but forgot to post it.  I really like the sentiment – books are constant friends and, for me, a house without books is just not a home.  Of course, being a librarian, I am surrounded by books all the time, so it is hard to imagine a life without them.  My house would probably be a lot less crowded though…but that’s another story!

The bird-lady in my collage has a lovely dress (from a Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone book of prayers) and her head is from a vintage book of bird illustrations.  She’s a Eurasian Hoopoe.  And she’s pretty fabulous with her freaky-deaky feathers.  You can read more about Hoopoes HERE.  They’re quite delightful.

The quote is from Charles William Eliot

Thanks for dropping by 🙂
